“Discover Skye beneath the sea, it’s a different kettle of fish!”
Meanish Reef
STAR RATING: Scenic 3 star, shore 3 star, night 5 star
POSITION: Meanish, Glendale
EXPERIENCE: Competent, site has no difficulties
CONDITIONS: Shore dive, take care in off-shore winds
SEA BED: Cliff down to boulder slope and silty seabed
TIDES: Negligible
TAKE CARE: Surface swim in offshore SW wind can be hazardous
This submerged reef is covered on top by a huge kelp forest, which falls away to cliff and boulder slope. It offers safe breeding and shelter to the many species, from the tiny lumpsucker to the sleek cruising dogfish, skate, ling and angler fish. Shoaling fish are also prolific, particularly the cheeky cuckoo wrasse. A series of upward running gulleys, wee caves and a chimney enjoy good sunlight and cloaked in soft corals makes this a dramatic underwater amphitheatre. Peak about and find octopus, huge edible crab, and squat lobsters lined up on ledges. There is so much to explore you will want to dive it again. It is an exceptional night dive.