Terms & Conditions
Draft Terms & Conditions revised 01.12.2022
With the severity of Covid in decline we have relaxed our T&C’s at this time. 01.12.2022
The Covid mitigation T&C’s remain online at link below as an example of the actions we might take if
there is a critical resurgence, or indeed a different pandemic, that requires intervention, and to offer
reassurance to expedition participants, staff and the local community. They detail our procedures,
outline everyone’s responsibilities in preventing outbreak and spread of infection, and detail cancellation
procedures. We commit to being as flexible as is safely possible in compliance with any future ScotGov
Our COVID TERMS & CONDITIONS have been relaxed but outline information below would guide future incidences.
Residential shore-based diving expeditions, have multiple risks to be considered and while there may be some evidence of the pandemic being on a downward trend, and fingers crossed that continues, we must acknowledge that there are risks when multiple households stay in the same property and dive from the limited deck space of a small charter vessel.
We have therefore established robust Covid protocols to enable us to recommence business, whilst mitigating the potential threats we may encounter. We also recognise that a new variant may see infections rise again,
To be effective all expedition participants must ‘be informed, understand and commit to’ the measures in place, and we must all be reassured that everyone involved is fully aware of these expectations, when they place the booking. We have a collective responsibility to act in a safe manner.
We have undertaken risk assessments, put in place preventative measures, limited maximum trip numbers, revised our cleaning protocols and updated our Terms & Conditions to reflect these changes.
It must be recognised that our island community is rural and has extremely limited emergency and intensive care provision and therefore the local community are very cautious of contracting and spreading infection. Our local ITU is 120miles away and limited ambulances are available service the island, whose population explodes in the tourism season anyway. Much more caution will be witnessed amongst the local community during your visit than you may be used to at home, as a community we take measures to protect one another and we require you to respect that, prepare for it and act accordingly.
For those of you who have dived with us before, it may seem that these T&C’s are onerous and out of character, but we feel it is necessary to reassure expedition participants, staff, and the local community that we are committed to minimising any risks as much as possible. We will continually reassess the measures in place, adopting a flexible approach where possible, advised by the latest ScotGov guidance and general safety. We will always ere on the side of caution.
We thank you for your patience and understanding and hope to be able to welcome you to dive with us this season.
Download our DASTH Standerd TERMS & CONDITIONS
Our COVID TERMS & CONDITIONS have been relaxed but remain here as an outline information for future incidences.