“Discover Skye beneath the sea, it’s a different kettle of fish!”
Heron Wing Drift
STAR RATING : 5 star
POSITION : West of Waternish Pt
EXPERIENCE: Competent, care with slack tide and swell
DIVE DEPTH : 15-27m
CONDITIONS : Tidal current & wind requires planning.
SEA BED : Cliff & boulder reef down to coarse white sand
TIDES : Strong tides run, with caution is a great a drift
TAKE CARE: Swell, tide and wind can make difficult condition
Described by many as ‘my best UK dive ever’ this site rarely disappoints. Strong tidal currents maintain excellent visibility often in excess of 15m, bringing nutrient laden waters to sustain an incredible diversity of life. Everything from a proliferation of intricate nudibranch to the giants of the sea, minke whale and basking shark. The cliffs are cloaked with an abundance of soft corals in a rainbow of colours with numerous nooks and crannies offering safe haven to many crustacea including crayfish. Dogfish, octopus and shoals of pollock, wrasse and mackerel make this divesite a tiptoptasic underwater experience.