many generous magazine features | fantastic journalist comment | most importantly your customer comments | 30+ years on | 1000’s of customers later | your images | your videos | kind words | happy faces | mad moments and magic memories | lots of fun | grateful thanks to you for all of it

“Most experienced divers can pick a reasonable scenic dive off a chart. Just look for any rock, pinnacle, channel or headland with close contours and a bit of current and the chance are it will be worth a look. But that won’t necessarily ……….. It takes the experience of someone who has been diving Skye for years and systematically exploring, to know just where a group of big scour holes can be found. It’s a scenic housing development for all the best marine life, from crawfish to octopus, tastefully landscaped with anemones and dead men’s fingers, carefully secluded 3m below a surrounding arboretum of kelp.” | ‘Diver’ July 2005, p 73 | Read his magazine reviews HERE.
“Day one and two cracking dives, but that was only the warm act” ……. “small fish were darting around and with the beautiful reef and crystal water and bright white sand this dive was stunning and I would happily have dived it all week” He concluded by saying “many thanks to Gordon & Aileen of Dive & Sea the Hebrides – it won’t be 25 years till I see you again!” | ‘Sporstdiver’, ‘Scuba’ and ‘Scottish Diver’ 2015 | Read his magazine reviews HERE.
“I think Skye has so much to offer underwater and you do not need to go deep to find it. Even in the shallows the variety and abundance of marine life is evident making it the perfect place to come and snorkel without donning diving equipment. Perfect for beginners and the more experienced to take photographs.” | ‘Scuba’, Sept 2021, p44-48 | Read her magazine article HERE.
Join GILLS UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY EXPEDITION 2023 (Entry Level+) Details TBC 15th March 2023
“Wrecks, reefs, walls and whales – what more could a diver want? It means a long road journey for most of us, but the Isle of Mist invariably repays the effort!” | Diver, Dec 1999, p65-p69 | Read his magazine reviews HERE.

“Thanks for an amazing couple of days diving, undoubtedly the best I have dived in Europe!” best wishes Monty Halls.”
“So I crammed in a couple of final dives on the wild northern tip of Skye on a clear crisp day. In the capable hands of Gordon and Aileen from Dive & Sea the Hebrides, I drifted slowly along the dark overhang of Conger Crevice, a vipers’ nest of slate grey leviathans peering out at me, with a clicking array of lobsters and crabs alongside. Such was the drama and atmosphere of this dive that I completely ignored the cuckoo wrasse that accompanied me throughout, bustling ahead like some tour guide in a bright livery of stripes and neon shades …………” | ‘Dive’ Nov 2008, p 29 | Read his magazine reviews HERE.
“Without a doubt Skye has some of the best UK diving available, and before we had even left the island the decision to come back next year had already been made – can’t say better than that!” | ‘Sportsdiver’ July 2010, p 50 | Read his magazine reviews HERE.
“Only Skye in the UK can offer an equal measure of scenic beauty above and below the water line. Without doubt, the place in the UK where your camera is likely to be most busy. Show me a better UK destination as I haven’t found it yet…” | Scubaworld, April 1994, p43-p44 | Read his magazine reviews HERE.