“Discover Skye beneath the sea, it’s a different kettle of fish!”
WRECK of the SS Doris
SIZE: 1,381 gross tons
BUILT: Wood, Skinner & Co. (Newcastle)
DIMENSIONS: 85m X 12m X 5m
SANK: July 12th 1909
CAUSE: Ran aground in fog
LOCATION: South side of Neist Point
WRECK DEPTH: 6 to 30 metres
CONDITIONS: Caution in SW, W, NW wind
TIDES: Slack water essential
SEABED: Black rock reef onto coarse white sand
The SS Doris lies near the most westerly promontory of Skye where a long finger of rock curls into the ocean to catch the tide and everything in it. The wreck lies in a rocky gulley broken up and reaching to a depth of 28mand lying on coarse bright white sand ensure good visibility and dramatic light. It requires careful planning, for a great club dive. It is extremely high energy with a prolific abundance of species choosing to shelter here and the surrounding topography is equally dramatic.